Is God Allowing Suffering Just As Bad As Him Causing It?
When God made the world, he called it good… and yet when we look at the world today, a lot of times it doesn’t really seem very good. It’s filled with pandemics and violence and racism and division. And that’s just this year, when we look back at human history, it is filled with all kinds of terrible things. We’ve talked to on this podcast about whether or not God causes evil, and while we recommend you go back and listen to those past episodes, our short answer was no, God doesn’t cause evil, but he does allow it. Like with most areas of theology, when one question gets answered a thousand more troubling questions seem to rise up behind it.
So if God doesn’t allow evil, Isn’t that really just as bad as him causing it? How can a good God allow evil to happen? If He allows it, is that really any better than him causing the evil in the first place?
Aaron and Brian dive deep into this question on the GoodLion Podcast.

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When God made the world, he called it good… and yet when we look at the world today, a lot of times it doesn’t really seem very good. It’s filled with pandemics and violence and racism and division. And that’s just this year, when we look back […]
March 20, 2021
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In this episode, we dive into some dangerous territory: questions about God’s sovereignty. The sovereignty of God can be an extremely challenging topic for Christians. A lot of the debate centers on the phrase “God is in control.” What do we mean when we say God is […]
February 15, 2021
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Aaron & Brian are back recording together for the first time in weeks, and they have a LOT to decompress about. Life, work, COVID, Racial tensions, division in the Church, discouragements, and most importantly: hope in Christ. […]
July 21, 2020
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Why is God’s wrath often depicted in the Scriptures as a cup of wine? How are we to understand God’s wrath theologically? Who must face God’s wrath? Who will be spared? Does the Christian have to worry about wrath? And what’s the deal with Final Judgement? Aaron […]
July 5, 2020
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2020 has been a politically charged year. Between Covid 19, the upcoming election, debates about health and safety vs rights and religious freedom, and now the recent murder of George Floyd and the following Black Lives Matter protests, one thing has become clear: our nation is divided. […]
June 18, 2020
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In light of the current unrest, division, and racial tensions in our world, Aaron shares a timely message from the book of Micah about injustice and God’s idea of divine justice. This message is from 2016, but we believe it’s extremely relative to what is going on […]
June 11, 2020
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As we wrestle through the tough questions raised by Covid-19, we begin to look at the topic of God’s wrath. Could God be the one behind this pandemic? Is it a sign of His wrath? What even IS wrath? We see clear examples of God judging people […]
May 22, 2020
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When we face a some sort of big global crisis, many make statements about how this is certainly proof of God’s wrath and judgement against the world. Aaron and Brian dive into this concept, examining the Prophets’ warnings, specific examples of God’s judgement in the OT, and […]
May 8, 2020
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The Covid-19 Crisis has been the most challenging thing our world collectively has faced since WW2. For many, a part of that challenge has been the tough theological questions that have been raised about God, His Love, His Judgment, His Mercy, and His plan in all of […]
May 1, 2020
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